Grab your popcorn! Is our moon really a “Death Star”? We may be about to find out… Readers with good memories will recall a number of articles we’ve presented on the topic of lunar anomalies. Heck, the moon is an anomaly in itself. At one sixth the size of Earth […]
Project Blue Beam
Always looking for connections, the strange sounds clip from Kiev exactly ten years prior to the commencement of the Russian invasion of Ukraine has been sitting in the back of my mind. Does it mean something? Those interested in mysterious phenomena will remember that this clip of unsettling and bizarre […]
“André Maurois’s The War against the Moon (1928), where a band of well-meaning conspirators intend to avert a devastating world war by uniting humanity in hatred of a fictitious Lunar enemy only to find that the moon is truly inhabited and that they had unwittingly set off the first interplanetary war. This…is explicitly described as an excerpt […]
COVID pervades everything right now. Out of necessity, we’ve been focusing on the here and now and the immediate threat to our freedoms taking place via the Plandemic. But we’ve always maintained there’s a contingency plan waiting in the wings should all else fail… The famous Lock Step Scenario, which […]
The reaction to Covid has shown that the ‘unity through crises’ model of the global ruling class has backfired. As talk of UFOs intensifies, are they now hoping that mankind can be unified by an extra-terrestrial threat? Dr. Mathew Maavak,RTFri, 25 Jun 2021 When enforced narratives fail, abrupt U-turns are inevitable. The global […]
Have you noticed the sudden increase of UFO sightings and stories appearing in the MSM lately? Could this be the beginning of a fake alien invasion? by Mike Stone — ( “Do you believe in UFOs?” My answer is always: “Yes, I believe they’re real, but they’re not from outer space.” […]
UFOs aren’t just real, they’re capable of mind-bending feats of flight and have a keen interest in toying with the US’ nuclear facilities. That’s according to an intelligence official tasked with investigating these phenomena. *Please be sure to read my comments below the article. Martin. RTWed, 09 Jun 2021 Speaking […]
There are reasons to be skeptical. After decades of stonewalling on the issue, suddenly American military chiefs appear to be giving credence to claims of UFO invading Earth. Finian CunninghamStrategic CultureFri, 21 May 2021 Several viral video clips purporting to show extraordinary flying technology have been “confirmed” by the Pentagon as authentic. […]
Render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and unto God what belongs to God. The quote, attributed to Jesus, was more explosive than those New Testament readers unfamiliar with the 1st century AD political situation in Palestine may understand. You see, what the Jews had under Roman rule was actually […]
Check out this load of crap: Obama follows the Bill Clinton “we looked into it” UFO narrative but teases with “can’t tell you everything”. Meanwhile two “retired” military intelligence goons hype the “alien invasion” agenda. I’d say we are being prepped for something, wouldn’t you? How To Fake an Alien […]