In a world where the term “Toxic Masulinity” is thrown around with increasing frequency and young men feel increasingly lost and alienated, Jordan B. Peterson, one of the last speakers of common sense in a world where sense isn’t common any more, is a breath of fresh air and a […]
SThe illusion of truth is a mechanism by which one comes to believe something is true when it’s not. In fact, they don’t just believe it; they also defend it as true. Also, they close themselves off to the possibility that it might be false. Exploring Your MindSun, 15 Apr […]
Don’t cut out the fat just yet. Seems if this theory is correct, it’s fat, not lean meat, that gave us such big brains. Not much option for the Vegans there…! by Richard KementSapiens OrgThu, 28 Mar 2019 21:05 UTC © sodapix/Getty Images Northern Ethiopia was once home to a […]
Imagination is a wonderful thing. Emotions are often a result of the mind telling us stories without our direction over the outcome. When we imagine any fear repeatedly in a safe environment, soon our phobia, and our brain’s response to it, begins to subside. Josh RichardsonPrevent DiseaseWed, 12 Dec 2018 […]