I just sent Baker an invite. Here’s what I wrote… STEVE KIRSCH MAY 28, 2024 The email I just sent to Professor Baker Hi Professor Baker, My name is Steve Kirsch. I am one of the world’s top misinformation superspreaders on the COVID vaccines. I have personally written over 1,500 […]

I will debunk these as needed. I’m also offering to bet $250K or more that the NZ data can be used with publicly available data to show that the COVID vaccines are killing people. Any takers?? STEVE KIRSCHDEC 27 Executive summaryA bunch of people are making attempts to discredit the […]


Note: The following item relates to Steve Kirsch sharing the data first published by Liz Gunn regarding NZ’s excess death figures. Liz’s expose as reposted here embedded below, and also Steve’s article on the same: Martin It’s time for criminal charges to be filed against the NZ Ministry of Health […]

I believe you have made a very serious mistake that is costing lives. Why not publish the anonymized record-level data just to be sure? Steve Kirsch STEVE KIRSCH 17/11/2023 To the New Zealand Ministry of Health: I read with great interest this “AAP fact check” article which states “NZ health […]

Brace yourselves; Covid is coming back, and they’re ready to deal with resistance. Should you protest or roll up your sleeve? This time around there are a lot more awakened people around. But as we’ve shown at Uncensored recently, the WHO have been working hard to remove references to individual […]

Jay lost 15 of his friends who all “died suddenly.” All were vaccinated. Four dropped dead within 24 hours of the shot. 3 of the 4 were ~30 years old, perfectly healthy before their death. Whoa. Steve Kirsch Newsletter – Aug 7, 2023 Executive summary Most people who call themselves […]

A major study into the impact of the pandemic on Amish communities has found that Covid death rates among the traditionalist groups of citizens are 90 times lower than for the rest of America. Frank BergmanSlay NewsFri, 30 Jun 2023 The main difference, the study revealed, is that Amish communities completely […]

Debates will settle nothing. If we want to settle important scientific issues like “can vaccines trigger autism?” we need to have both sides jointly design a scientific study to settle the question. STEVE KIRSCH 3/07/2023 There are way too many prominent scientists who disagree with Sanjay Gupta. He should have […]
