‘The US and its allies struck civil and military facilities in Syria, violating the UN Charter and international law, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, responding to the American-French-British intervention in Syria.
A Mainstream News roundup of events shaping the emerging “reboot” of the Cold War, pus some analyses of who might fare best if war goes “hot”.
Excerpts from MSM reports on the atrocious situation in Ghouta, Syria, with links to full articles: Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the UN, called on the Security Council to pass a draft resolution calling for a 30-day ceasefire in Eastern Ghouta, a besieged rebel enclave in Syria. “It’s time […]
The fog of war sits heavily over the circumstances of a clash between United States and Syrian forces last week
“The recent American ‘recognition’ of Jerusalem as the Israeli Capital and the movement of The American Embassy is all political drivel…Iran is not ‘contained’ by America, and North Korea is a diversionary joke”.
https://www.informationclearinghouse.info/48117.htm In Shocking Interview, Qatar Confesses Secrets Behind Syrian War October 30, 2017 “Information Clearing House” – A television interview of a top Qatari official confessing the truth behind the origins of the war in Syria is going viral across Arabic social media during the same week a leaked top […]
The Syrian Outcome Has Departed the Script The CIA and presstitutes will re-write the history Paul Craig Roberts Stephen Lendman sums up the success of Russian and Syrian militaries against Washington-supported ISIS. Washington claims to be fighting ISIS, but doesn’t. Remember, U.S. General Flynn, former director of the Defense […]
Syria’s army said Israeli air strikes on Thursday killed two people at a military facility in the country’s west, a zone where the regime has been accused of developing chemical weapons. The army statement said it took place near the town of Masyaf and warned against the “dangerous repercussions of […]
Following the Syria situation covered here: Russia Warns U.S. After Downing of Syrian Warplane From BBC News: A Russian jet flew within 5ft (1.5m) of the wing tip of a US reconnaissance plane over the Baltic Sea on Monday, US officials say. The encounter was deemed “unsafe” due to the […]
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/18/world/middleeast/iran-syria-missile-launch-islamic-state.html?ribbon-ad-idx=5&rref=world/middleeast&module=Ribbon&version=context®ion=Header&action=click&contentCollection=Middle%20East&pgtype=article “WASHINGTON — An American fighter jet shot down a Syrian warplane on Sunday after it dropped bombs near local ground forces supported by the United States, the first time the American military has downed a Syrian aircraft since the start of the civil war in 2011, officials said. The […]