Harvested Alive -Ten year’s investigate of force organ harvesting As a doctor, Zhiyuan Wang spent 30 years studying how to save lives. He never imagined that he would spend another 10 years investigating how doctors killing innocent lives…… Deerpark Studios Welcome to visit our website to know more detail. http://www.harvestedalive.com

“Mr Assange showed all symptoms typical for prolonged exposure to psychological torture, including extreme stress, chronic anxiety and intense psychological trauma.” Date: June 1, 2019 Author: Nwo Report Original Source: Sputnik WikiLeaks issued a statement on Wednesday expressing “grave concerns” about Julian Assange, founder of the whistleblowing website, saying that his health […]

Jeffrey KayeMediumSun, 16 Dec 2018 00:00 UTC © eproduced by terms of license, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported“CIA Extraordinary Rendition and Detention Program — countries involved in the Program,” according to the Open Society Foundation. A major aspect of the CIA’s detention and interrogation operations has been purposefully hidden from view, primarily […]


BBC site Police are to investigate whether an MI5 officer was complicit in the torture of ex-Guantanamo detainee Binyam Mohamed. The Attorney General, Baroness Scotland QC, said the probe would be “the appropriate course of action”. Mr Mohamed, 30, a UK resident, said MI5 had prolonged his detention and torture […]
