Transhumanism…AI..mRNA…Neuralink…a web of control over every aspect of one’s existence. This is not science fiction nor conspiracy theory. Read the transcript, watch the video. This is real, it is dark, and it is our immediate future. MH AUTHORS: The following is a transcript of this video. In an interview […]

Every human being on the planet has the right to know about the toxic rare metals (lanthanides) found in the COVID-19 mRNA injections and their role in the scientific field of optogenetics. Karen Kingston Oct 19, 2024 October 18, 2024: Yuval Noah Harrari, Jack Dorsi, Elon Musk and other global elites have frequently […]

Musk’s brain chip interface technology (Neuralace/Neuralink) end-game is not to help those who are blind or paralyzed but rather to “jumpstart the next-stage of evolution to merge humans with Ai.” KAREN KINGSTON 31/01/2024 January 30, 2024: According to the Wall Street Journal, Elon Musk announced today that Neuralink has implanted the first brain […]

In recent weeks I’ve been seeing an interesting narrative fallacy being sold to the general public when it comes to the designs of globalists. The mainstream media and others are now openly suggesting that it’s actually okay to be opposed to certain aspects of groups like the World Economic Forum. They give you […]
