WEF’s advisor and political scientist Yuval Noah Harari has all but conceded the defeat of the Globalist agenda. But he misrepresents the alternative that Trump is offering the world. Martin Harris 17/1/2024 Trump’s unstoppable rise in popularity coupled with the obvious incompetence of Biden and Harris, signal that the US […]

Amid all the hype surrounding the Epstein files unsealing, the MSM has been constantly hammering the Trump association. No doubt there’ll be a silence disturbed only by crickets or tumbleweeds now the facts are out. Or they’ll continue the line that his “name is mentioned”. Either way he isn’t going […]

Now here’s an interesting potential partnership. You think Carlson would accept? MH Dominick MastrangeloThe HillThu, 09 Nov 2023 Former President Trump says he’d consider Tucker Carlson as a potential running mate in 2024. “I like Tucker a lot; I guess I would,” Trump said during an appearance on The Clay Travis and Buck […]

Ukraine seems to have slipped from the news cycle here in New Zealand where forthcoming elections take centre-stage. We aren’t the only place where a change of government might just signal a change in the storyline. A very worried Zelensky is losing friends rapidly. Here’s some indications that “Article 88” […]
