Jared Kushner: The young, well spoken, impeccably groomed son-in-law seems to be unstoppable in his rise to prominence. I mark him as a man to watch very closely. There is certain to be speculation and controversy galore with this man! FROM REUTERS: By Luke Baker | JERUSALEM JERUSALEM U.S. President Donald […]
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/18/world/middleeast/iran-syria-missile-launch-islamic-state.html?ribbon-ad-idx=5&rref=world/middleeast&module=Ribbon&version=context®ion=Header&action=click&contentCollection=Middle%20East&pgtype=article “WASHINGTON — An American fighter jet shot down a Syrian warplane on Sunday after it dropped bombs near local ground forces supported by the United States, the first time the American military has downed a Syrian aircraft since the start of the civil war in 2011, officials said. The […]
Interesting perspective on the whole Trump/Comey/Russian collusion scenario: https://www.globalresearch.ca/comeys-lies-of-omission/5594719 “The Democrats are not fighting Trump over his assault on health care, his attacks on immigrants, his militaristic bullying around the world, or even his status as a minority president who can claim no mandate after losing the popular vote. Instead, […]
It must be wonderful being Vladimir Putin and being the most powerful person on earth. And not even have to say so yourself. The US Democratic Party is saying it for Putin along with the entirety of the Western presstitute media and the CIA and FBI also. The Russian media […]
Despite President Donald Trump’s bold proclamation that a North Korean nuclear missile capable of hitting the US “won’t happen,” Kim Jong Un appears to be well on his way to an intercontinental ballistic missile that can flatten Washington faster than many thought he could. But a nuclear-armed North Korea wouldn’t […]
WHO IS THIS MAN? Something Strange is Going On… Jared Kushner globalist george soros connection donald trump 666 fifth avenue israel antichrist spirit on earth? jason a “For someone with no prior government experience, Jared Kushner has accumulated a dizzying array of portfolios in the administration of his father-in-law President […]
Albeit a bit sophisticated, this article clearly illustrates the predictable, and in fact inevitable results inherent in a monetary system co-managed by the conflicting interests of Federal Government and not-federal-except-in-name Federal Reserve (Central Bank). Posted on June 11, 2017 by Ellen Brown https://ellenbrown.com/2017/06/11/mr-president-please-be-careful-what-you-wish-for-higher-interest-rates-will-kill-the-recovery/#more-13152 Higher interest rates will triple the interest […]
Trump Announces New FBI Director By Stephen Lendman Global Research, June 09, 2017 He nominated Christopher Wray to replace James Comey, a position needing Senate confirmation. He’s a former assistant attorney general in charge of the Criminal Division under Bush/Cheney from 2003 – 2005. In May 2001, he served as […]
President Trump called U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May on Friday following a surprising vote in which her party lost their majority. Trump offered “his warm support regarding the election,” according to a White House statement. “Trump emphasized his commitment to the United States-United Kingdom special relationship and underscored that he looks […]
by The_Real_Fly Jun 8, 2017 4:19 PM Content originally published at iBankCoin.com The big story out of today’s testimony had nothing to do with Trump collusion or obstruction of justice, but the revelation that Comey had, in fact, willingly leaked both privileged and classified information to a friend […]