Government says there is no conflict of interest Source: Steve Watson | The UK’s Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance has hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of shares in a company that has been contracted to develop a coronavirus vaccine for the government, a report has revealed. The Telegraph […]
The figures of those admitted to hospital for coronavirus during the peak of the pandemic were over-reported, it was revealed last night. Britons who were suffering from other illnesses were included in data collected to monitor the virus outbreak Patients were categorised as Covid-19 admissions if they’d ever tested positive for the […]
The UK government has once again revised down figures relating to the coronavirus crisis. Source: Niamh Harris Date: August 16, 2020 Author: Nwo Report This time they quietly removed around 1.3m coronavirus tests from official data citing ‘double counting’ and raising fresh questions about the accuracy of the testing figures. The damning news […]
“Rogue”…or following an unofficial government policy of terror? MH The Sunday TimesSat, 01 Aug 2020 documentary evidence has emerged in a British court in which allegations are made about a “rogue” SAS unit accused of executing civilians in Afghanistan. The evidence had been withheld from earlier proceedings of the legal […]
Now HERE’S a protest we can get on board with! MH Demonstrators raised placards reading: ‘I will be not be masked, tested, tracked’ as part of today’s protest One dressed as plague doctor while another had vest saying: ‘Save human rights’ during Hyde Park gathering The protest countered an announcement that […]
Be sure to read my comments and statistics after the article: VERY enlightening links and data! MH Despite a huge public profile and ongoing media attention, BLM fails to identify a role for itself in combating the appalling number of deaths of young black males in London from incidents of […]
A prominent organiser of Britain’s Black Lives Matter protests believes the campaign has been ‘hijacked’ by a group of far-Left activists. Mark Hookham – Daily Mail July 4, 2020 In an outspoken attack, Imarn Ayton, 29, also voiced fears that people may have donated towards a high-profile online fundraising campaign without realising […]
Police have declared a knife rampage that killed three in Reading as a terror incident. Mason Boycott-Owen, Tony Driver, Martin Evans and Mendick – The Telegraph June 21, 2020 The man arrested at the scene yesterday is Khairi Saadallah, a 25-year-old refugee from Libya, The Telegraph can reveal. Mr Saadallah […]
Have the Royal reptoids fled to Alpha Draconis or is it just a bit of maintenance? The COVID timing arouses suspicions of any odd goings on (as if things weren’t odd enough at the Royal Residence to begin with) MH Strange happenings at Buckngham Palace The Truth 116,824 views• May […]
Now that governments and mass media have successfully colluded to create the illusion of a worldwide ‘pandemic’, a U.K. ‘think tank’ headed by ex-Prime Minister, Tony Blair, is trying to convince the beleaguered public that we should now accept massive government surveillance of our lives so that we won’t have to go […]