The United Nations Security Council has called for an immediate and independent investigation into reported mass graves containing hundreds of Palestinian dead bodies near hospitals in the Gaza Strip amid the Israeli regime’s months-long aggression on the besieged territory. Press TV – May 11, 2024 Palestinian civil defense teams […]

Lest you think this is a China-only issue, remember how the West slavishly imitated CCP lock-step initiatives with Covid mandates and lockdowns, then watch the second vid regarding the UN’s next step in the march towards 2030. laowhy86 Note how in this Redacted channel report by Clayton Morris, the CCP […]

In 2008, an article touting the benefits of world hunger for creating a cheap, motivated workforce was published on the United Nations’ website. The article resurfaced recently on Twitter and went viral; it was promptly taken down by the U.N. within 24 hours. 2nd Smartest Guy in the World — Oct […]

A Swedish politician who suggested that the UN’s “code red” climate report was “scare propaganda” was subsequently forced to resign from her political party. Paul Joseph WatsonSummit NewsThu, 12 Aug 2021 Earlier this week, the United Nations released a hysterical report that enjoyed wall to wall media coverage warning of ecological […]

You really need to know WHO this mobster is. He’s well connected. by Martin Harris Forged in the fires of the fledgling United Nations in the 1948, the World Health Organisation was intended to be the magic talisman against global disease. And indeed the WHO has some successes to boast: […]

Lies for Cash= Fraud! In the wake of the recent revelation we published about the United Nations running out of cash, this piece from Iowa Climate Science Education is highly relevant: It’s certainly no misperception that global warming alarmists have become far more shrill over the past months with ever […]
