This call to Hunter Biden (allegedly) from Joe has been doing the rounds online for a few days now and the jury seems to be out. Real or not, what do you think? Martin comments: My personal opinion? This is likely a fake. Surely Joe’s handlers aren’t going to let […]
The latest controversial and Uncensored News from the USA via BCP/Open Source News. New Zealanders might take note at 2:08 with regards to an attempt by the American left to get the voting age lowered to 16. does that sound familiar…? MH 8,549 views Jan 15, 2023 #BCPTODAY#TRUMP#TRUMPNEWS00:00 DEMS try […]
As Brandon gets going, Kamala is looking pretty pleased with herself. There were many who guessed Biden would go before his term was up, looks like they may be right. Episode Resources: 🔵 AMAC: 🔵 Penn-Biden Center: 🔵 Documents: 🔵 […]
The Fall continues as Joe Biden reaps what he sows. This story even making the pro-Biden NZ MSM with remarks that about hypocrisy regarding similar accusations against Trump last year. A jump to the Right on the way? Biden aides find second batch of classified documents at ANOTHER location “On […]
Not being reported in the MSM (surprised?) is the “under the radar” defunding of Border Control Police, via the $1.7 trillion Omnibus Bill 2022. Looks like a recipe for orchestrated chaos. Here’s the communication from our correspondent G Squared, and following I’ll make connections to the “master plan”. Martin The […]
“The DNC and Biden Team knew they had friends at Twitter who would do their bidding during the election. And Twitter lied to the FEC [Federal Election Commission] about that influence…. But that’s just at the surface.” —TechnoFog on Substack AUTHOR: James Howard Kunstler Have Americans grokked that virtually all […]
The current US government is pushing “radical civic and gender insanity” in schools, former president Donald Trump said during the speech announcing his 2024 campaign. He added that this will stop once Trump returns to the White House. RTThu, 17 Nov 2022 “Joe Biden has also proven that he is […]
Not really any surprises in the midterms, but it certainly seems the results are subject to interference as per usual. MH Tuesday, November 08, 2022 by: JD Heyes (Natural News) With many regions of the country reporting record turnouts for midterms on Tuesday, what we’ve also seen is an alarmingly large number […]
Watching the Mid Terms unfold in the US, I have heard Biden warn “Democracy is at stake” ad-infinitum through the MSM. Strange message when the Mid-Terms are a democratic process. Sounds like a message born of desperation to me. As predicted, as usual, it’s always “too close to call”. Such […]
Its increasingly difficult to tell the difference these days, so yes, this IS satire. However, we’re tempted to pitch it to Biden’s campaign team and see if they run with it! MH The Babylon Bee released a new campaign ad for Joe Biden