The infamous and enigmatic structure outlining a world depopulation agenda has apparently been the victim of some rather direct activism, resulting in it’s total destruction. Reuters reports: July 6 (Reuters) – A peculiar granite monument that some have dubbed “America’s Stonehenge” but a conservative politician condemned as “Satanic” was torn […]
Hearing? Don’t bother. Here’s all you need to hear! During these times when the Democrats are terrified of Trumps return, and the recent hearings have been engineered to reinforce a fake narrative that claims Trump encouraged violent action on January 6 2021, we present factual and clear evidence that he […]
Double standards? If straight folk were to flash themselves in public, at a parade or otherwise, would it be “permissible”? Would it be acceptable? And it’s not just plain old nudity here but the context and intent. More comment below the article. MH Chris Menahan – Information Liberation June 26, […]
He’s a veteran career politician. He should know how to behave in a meeting. He should be able to absorb briefing instructions beforehand. Here’s more proof that Biden suffers advanced cognitive decline. Source: The Outer Light – YouTube
It seems the rise of the Progressive Liberal Left is over in the US. Biden continues to plummet as people wake up, meanwhile Roe vs. Wade is overturned with inevitable protests gearing up. STILL SINKING: Biden Drops To Just 32 Percent Approval In New Civiqs Poll Fox News – June […]
This week Putin and Xi Jinping have both mentioned the fall of the US and the rise of a “New world Order”. Here’s an article from RT and an excerpt from South China Morning Post. Time is running out for anyone that opposes this long-planned New World Order. MH The […]
This moment is spreading through the internet like wildfire. Personally I think Biden “Fell off the bike” a long time ago if you get my drift. MH Sky News Australia provides the best commentary on this by far, with most MSM sources downplaying the incident. Sky took the opportunity to […]
A good objective explanation of the hearings on January 6 from Left and Right perspectives from America Uncovered. A “Must Watch” if all you’ve seen is the MSM propaganda! MH Is the January 6th committee hearing lying about Trump? The goal of the committee isn’t to uncover evidence that could […]
Matching outfits, masks and dark glasses (which the cops would surely remove for ID) and all looking just a little too clean-cut? The police stand with their backs to the alleged protestors (?) and give plenty of time for photo ops. I call BS on this; surely a False Flag. […]
Reading answers from a screen and she can’t even do that very well. Watch Doocy destroy the new White House Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre with a single sentence. Appears to have been selected for her gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, but perhaps not her reading and comprehension skills or her ability […]