Hillary R. Clinton is disqualified from holding any office in the United States TMR Editor’s Note: Sometimes TMR finds the best blogs posted in the form of comments under our various articles found at other alternative news websites. Such is the case with the following post. What Ralph has done […]

Wanna Know How it Went? Just Look at This Picture! October 9 2016 Debate     Trump is doing much better this time. I am having problems updating (it took a half hour to post this one line) but Trump told her she’d be in jail and the FBI would […]


In light of all the bad news, it is time to post something light-hearted – well kind of. Here is a YouTube clip from the US of what can only be described as a highly efficient way of teaching young students about the New World Order. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-Fe-IwAPA8 A New Zealand […]

Blacklistednews Published on 08-05-2008 Poppy cultivation in Garmser, southern Helmand province, Afghanistan. Source: Pakistan Post – Naveed Miraj ISLAMABAD: After the fall of Taliban government, Afghanistan has again become a hub of narcotics cultivation and smuggling. Thanks to protection, being provided by the US troops, western forces and the Afghan government […]

NZHerald 11:03AM Saturday Apr 18, 2009 Cuban president Raul Castro. Photo / AP PORT-OF-SPAIN – Trading their warmest words in a half-century, the United States and Cuba are building momentum toward renewed ties, with President Barack Obama declaring he “seeks a new beginning” – including direct talks – with the […]
