The following blog was originally published in January. Six months, one pandemic lockdown and subsequent riots and protests later, it has acquired fresh relevance. It is the author’s opinion that the George Floyd incident was the trigger that pushed the narrative into it’s next phase. This doesn’t mean I think […]

Could nearly half the population not already infected with SARS-CoV-2 be immune to it from having already contracted other forms of coronavirus in recent years? Daniel Horowitz · May 27, 2020Conservative Review That is one implication of a major study conducted by over a dozen researchers from several microbiology and immunology institutions […]

As an NHS doctor, I’ve seen people die and be listed as a victim of Covid-19 without ever being tested for it. But unless we have accurate data, we won’t know which has killed more: the disease or the lockdown? By Malcolm Kendrick, doctor and author who works as a GP […]

Here’s Patent 060606 coming to your workplace and community as outlined by Max: “A single person who stops lying can bring down a tyranny” Alexandr Solzhenitsyn thecrowhouse232K subscribers SUBSCRIBE BitCute… MeWe… Hive Twitter @maxigan LinkedIn LBRY Minds Support The Crowhouse: Crypto-currencies: Bitcoin: 1F6bEEsJHZZhHeT4fmN9iQCwF1Yqu5UZSD […]
