Freedom Camp Christchurch: Saturday Protest March Images

An amazing day among the entrenched campers at Cranmer Square in Christchurch with a breathtaking turnout for the march.

First thing I noticed on arrival was the hastily erected “No Camping” signs that some Christchurch City Council power-tripper appears to have had screen-printed and stuck over the top of existing signage. A bit laughable really as the CCC allows the Extravaganza Gypsy Fair to camp out at Gloucester Green (a similar public space) on a regular basis.

In any event the message clearly fell on deaf ears as the following images show. Everything clean and tidy and well organised with plenty of portaloos and bins.

It was great to see the Saturday protest march return to the CBD and the number attending these marches always takes my breath away. The entourage this time around stopped at Riverside Market, a popular Saturday spot with Mandated facilities and the reduced patronage showed. These businesses must notice the difference. As Derek Tait pointed out in his address to the crowd of thousands “Look at all the business you guys are missing out on!” with the protest crowd outnumbering the diners and shoppers by a wide margin.

A request for a show of hands revealed a considerable number of teachers, healthcare professionals, Firemen and even Police officers who had lost their jobs because they refused to comply with mandates, and a huge number showing hands because they had been vaccinated in order to retain their livelihoods.

As usual, the peaceful nature of these protests was emphasised. “Peaceful but not passive” a good way to describe the intent. Derek also claimed “We are not ‘anti’ anything, we are Pro-Choice” putting a positive spin on the nature of the protest.

Derek Tait addresses the crowd at Riverside Markets

If there is any doubt about the focus and demands we have, as the MSM claims, it was spelled out loud and clear at this march: We want the mandates ended and and Freedoms And Rights Coalition have given a date of 1st March. Quite what happens when that ultimatum isn’t met I’m not sure, but the campout and marches (and other protest events around the country) will continue and show no signs of letting up or diminishing in numbers attending.

With a recent MSM poll showing 49% support for dropping the mandates (and the figure would have gone higher had the online poll not been shut down) it’s blatantly clear that we are not “a small minority”.

We will win this: Victory is already essentially ours and now it’s government stubbornness and failure to listen, acknowledge and engage that is the last hurdle. Ardern and her cronies are terrified of us! Keep supporting these protests New Zealand and let’s end this tyranny.


The author arrives in inconspicuous transportation 😉
The crowd spans the field of view, but this was only the tail end of the march from a vantage point near the front!
Passing The Bridge of Remembrance: “We shall not be forgotten”!
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Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.

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