A timely piece, as NZ discusses reinstating mask mandates in schools. Share the Lancet study with all your pro-mask associates! MH Leah BarkoukisTownhallWed, 01 Jun 2022  The Lancet, a world-renown medical journal, is out with a new study debunking a highly-cited CDC study that was used to support mask mandates in […]

Punk Rock legend John Lydon of Sex Pistols fame called out Saville as a sicko way back when the establishment were still protecting him, and he still stands up and speaks the truth.

Hypocrisy rules supreme. Could it be the New Normal? (Watch for blog soon on Ardern’s part in all this) MH Sott.netSun, 29 May 2022 US government leaders have called for tighter gun control measures in the wake of two major mass shootings in the space of two weeks. While authorities […]

Surprise surprise. Who would have thought. Wuhan Institute of Virology published on monkeypox research 3 months ago, NIH also have been researching monkeypox treatment https://reporter.nih.gov/search/sLt35… Total funding, $9,824,009 The funding supports a clinical trial to identify effective treatments for monkeypox A re-emerging pathogen A disease of epidemic potential Causes significant […]
