Priority focus on children’s mental health first and foremost. Rejoice and celebrate! Congratulations Alberta. ► | For coverage of the Freedom ConvoyAlberta Premier Jason Kenney announced that the province would begin to lift COVID public health measures next week, starting with the vaccine passport — or Restriction Exemption Program — […]

New Zealand compared to Denmark: Dr. John Campbell sides with Denmark’s approach, criticises NZ’s politics based approach. Backs up with science and evidence. A tale of two countries New Zealand and Denmark… Gradually reopen borders to citizens, workers and international travellers Thousands of New Zealanders remain stranded abroad Full […]

Yesterday I stood with friends and colleagues at one of the many highway overpasses in Toronto as we watched a truly historic moment unfold before our tear-filled eyes. Thousands of liberty-loving Canadians from all walks of life were gathered there—as they were throughout the country—in the freezing cold, holding aloft […]

He just calls himself NgAngA. The name is from his Australian Aboriginal tribe and it means ‘Peace Maker’. When you look around his quite incredible Café-Art Theatre in Collingwood, Golden Bay, it is very clear that the name is highly appropriate, and that NgAngA is no ordinary human-being. By Kiwi4Justice […]

The Narrative continues to crumble as the Biden-China connections come back under scrutiny! Emma-Jo Morris, Matthew BoyleBreitbartSun, 30 Jan 2022 A criminal IRS investigation into Hunter Biden — President Biden’s son — appears to have convened a grand jury as far back as May 2019, a confidential subpoena served to JPMorgan Chase bank […]
