“Once they’ve successfully eradicated Christianity, the left will once again, as they have with free speech, find that the monster they unleashed is not so easily sated.”
The most oppressed religion in the world
21 January, 2023

For all the blubbing and pearl-clutching about “Islamophobia”, it’s notable just how little Islam is actually being phobed, in the West. In fact, the reverse, as Douglas Murray points out in his book, Islamophilia, is more often true. Scarcely an Islamic enormity, from the brutal murder of a bandsman to the horrific bombing of a stadium full of little girls, goes by without the usual chorus of screeching and bodice-ripping about a supposed “backlash”. The lesson is clear: forget the beheaded, stabbed, bombed and vehicular-murdered, the real victims are Muslims.

Some will no doubt point to the Christchurch massacre as proof positive of a nascent, genocidal anti-Muslim sentiment lurking in the West, but that claim simply doesn’t stand scrutiny. In particular, Christchurch is only notable because it is so singular. On the other hand, Islamic enormities are so commonplace, especially in Europe, that they scarcely even make the news anymore.
But there is a very real, very bloody, anti-religious persecution being waged, not just in the West, but across the globe. Far from clutching their pearls about it, the same twits who don hijabs in “solidarity”, not only fall silent but are actively taking the side of the persecutors — if not joining in.
Christians are more persecuted than ever, according to Open Doors NGO published statistics, which published its finding for 2021 on Wednesday.
Of all the countries where Christians face the most persecution, Afghanistan is the worst, according to the organization. The NGO’s statistics show that 360 million were facing some form of persecution in 2021, with forms of persecution ranging from state-based discrimination all the way to outright murder. Although the finding may seem enormous, the scale of Christian persecution recorded by the NGO is largely in line with other reports, including from a United Kingdom government commission, which found Christian persecution to be reaching “near genocide levels.“
And… crickets from the legacy media.
Patrick Victor, head of Portes Ouvertes France, said the persecution has reached its record level, with the number of those persecuted increasing by 20 million compared to the previous year.
In 2021, almost 6,000 Christians were killed due to their religion. The number increased by 24 percent compared to the previous year, when less than 5,000 cases were recorded. Eight out of ten Christians killed were from Nigeria.
The number of closed, attacked, or destroyed churches has also increased by more than 600 cases. According to the organization, the number of detained Christians for religious reasons increased by 44%.
Thanks to Dementia Joe, the persecutors in Afghanistan have a handy database of victims.
Radical Islamists have access to documents revealing those who converted to Christianity. It is believed that many murders go unreported. The Taliban kill identified men on the spot, rape Christian women or force them to marry. North Korea, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Eritrea, and Nigeria follow Afghanistan on a sliding scale.Remix News
With the exception of North Korea, there’s a notable pattern among the top persecutors of Christianity. Can’t quite put my finger on it, though.
But Europe’s Christians are none too safe, too.
Over 3,000 attacks against Christians in Europe were recorded last year, representing an all-time high, according to a study by the New York-based Gatestone Institute.
The institute reviewed thousands of newspaper and police reports, parliamentary inquiries, social media posts, and specialized blogs from Britain, France, Italy, Ireland, Germany, and Spain. The research shows that roughly 3,000 Christian churches, schools, cemeteries and monuments were vandalized, looted or defaced in Europe during 2019.
Violence against Christian sites occurred most often in France, where not only churches were attacked, but also schools, cemeteries, and monuments. These important institutions are being vandalized, desecrated and burned at an average rate of three per day, according to French government statistics.
France, eh? Now, what’s France got going on that might account for all that?
But the anti-Christian persecutors are rarely caught — and don’t have much to worry about, even if they are.
When individuals are arrested, the police and media often censors information about their identities and ethnic backgrounds. Many suspects are said to have mental disorders; as a result, many anti-Christian attacks are not categorized as hate crimes.
Now, why would they have to censor their identities and ethnic backgrounds?
Perhaps for the same reason they tried to pretend that the mass rapes in European cities on New Year’s Eve in 2015-16 didn’t even happen.
But it’s not all the work of followers of the Prophet, though. In true Islamophilia fashion, the beardy fanatics are finding fellow travellers on the left.
The report says that Spain’s attacks against churches and crosses are almost all the work of anarchists, radical feminists and other far-left activists, who have an ideology designed to remove Christianity from the public space and the country overall.Remix News
Except that, once they’ve successfully eradicated Christianity, the left will once again, as they have with free speech, find that the monster they unleashed is not so easily sated.
SOURCE: The BFD | The Real Persecution You Aren’t Told About
Martin comments: I’ve always found it rather odd that the Leftists and progressives “protect” Islam and favour that faith over Christianity. While Christianity certainly isn’t Communism or Socialism per-se, it definitely comes close in terms of ideology. Certainly, closer than Islam by a fair margin. So why does the Left gravitate towards defending Islam? Perhaps this old blog of mine provides an answer?

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