What comes around goes around. And like flying saucers, crop circles are both round, and back. But weren’t they debunked? The short answer is, well, no.

Those who remember the crop circle (or more correctly, crop glyph) flap on its first outing, will remember how the fun ended with two spritely old codgers named Doug and Dave. They might sound like a comedy duo, and in an unintentional way, they certainly were. They fooled the world. They claimed to have fooled the world with crop circles, but the truth is that they hoodwinked the mainstream media into believing they did.
Doug & Dave may be gone, but the circles are still appearing. And so frequently that there even guided tours! The cynical might suggest that tourist dollars play a part in the proliferation of these cereological marvels.
2023 Mysterious Wiltshire Crop Circle Tours. London Departure (stonehenge-tour.com)
While it’s true that many of the increasingly complex geometric masterpieces ruining farmer’s grain fields were the work of competing teams of artists attempting to outdo each other, that was not always the case.
As with UFOs, the deluge of hoaxes and legitimate artworks hide a core of genuinely unexplained phenomena that are worth investigating.
“There are obviously man-made ones out there,” said Monique Klinkenbergh, founder of the crop circle exhibition in Pewsey Vale. “But, if you listen to eye witness accounts, the unexplained circles have one thing in common – they were formed in minutes, or seconds, by an invisible source.
New data shows Wiltshire has most crop circles in England – BBC News
We present two videos from two of our favourite YouTube channels: Think Anomalous debunks Doug & Dave, and The Why Files brings the Crop Circle story bang up to date and may make you think again about this enduring mystery. Enjoy!
(And if you aren’t subscribed to these two channels, you are missing out. be sure to visit them at YT and give their vids a thumbs-up).

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