Hitler vs. Putin in their own words: Questions and mind-bending observations!

Hitler is the “go-to” name among many historical commentators for political and ideological evil, and mainstream media has been quick to compare Russian president Putin, But rarely do we actually get to hear what the two figures have to say as a yardstick for actual comparison. Now is your opportunity…and in the process we unveil some “WTF” observations. Buckle up!

Martin Harris 30/5/24

Hitler Putin

Thanks to the wonders of AI (it its uses despite my aversion to it) we can hear these two controversial political figures delivering their most historically significant keynote speeches in their own voices, translated into English.

It is NOT the purpose of this particular article to make moral or ideological judgements about these men or their philosophies, but to ask some vital questions and make a few observations.

First let’s listen to what they have to say:


I’m not going to answer these questions for you, as no doubt everyone will have a differing view and therefore different answers. “Think for yourself” as our magazine slogan says.

-Do these two men sound the same? Do they have the same agenda and the same ideology based upon what you hear in these defining speeches?

-Does Putin sound like a xenophobic tyrant and a warmonger, or does he sound like a man of peace? Does he sound maniacal, or calm and reasonable leader?

-Based on what you hear here, does Putin come across as a hypocrite for invading Ukraine and his recent rhetoric about nuclear capability and the threat of using it? (Your knowledge of deeper political and historical issues may help answer this one).

-Going back to Hitler, do you think that some of what he says sounds remarkably similar to what certain political figures today are saying?

-Based on what both these men are saying, does it sound like history is repeating?


Hitler made his MUNICH “Freedom or slavery” speech in 1922. World War 2 officially commenced in 1939. 17 years later.

Putin made his MUNICH security conference speech in 2007. Many believe World War 3 is in its opening stages…17 years later!!

Based on these chilling “coincidences”, we could rightfully ask if history is repeating cyclically, or (bearing in mind the long-term hype about a 2025 world war) has the situation been planned and stage-managed this way? A while back this author pointed out an apparent code hidden among media of various sorts relating to the number 88, which relates to the 8th letter of the alphabet “HH” abbreviation of “Heil Hitler”. Does this somehow tie in with all this?

Whether or not you compare Hitler and Putin as individuals or as leaders, the similarity of circumstances is very thought provoking to say the least.
And what about Trump? Is he a spanner-in the-works or a part of the geopolitical plan?

Strange times indeed. heroes and villains abound…but who are the good guys and who are bad guys…or is there even a distinction any more…?? Only YOU can answer that for yourself!

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Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of theCONTrail.com community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.

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