Ben Vidgen

Ben Vidgen ought to be a familiar name to veteran activists and to regular viewers of Uncensored. Non-partisan, a relentless researcher and an all-round good bloke. And we need all of those right now.

One other thing that describes Ben is “controversial” and being controversial comes at a cost, especially when lawyers and whatnot enter the scene.

As the old saying goes, we’ve all gotta eat, and Ben can’t bring himself to put up a paywall on his blog (he even allows us to flog his articles from time to time). Ben says “we have big plans and need patrons” so we’re putting out the call.

For those in a position to assist Ben, he’s offering a “gun for hire” (research expertise) deal. Get in touch with him if you think you can help and he may be able to assist you in return. Can’t get fairer than that!

If you want to get in touch with Ben, visit his site, (link below) subscribe and be sure to leave a comment on his blog so he can give some contact details and give you the pitch on his proposals.

Ben’s impressive resume below:

Ben Vidgen: author, broadcaster, publisher — the world’s only autistic and dyslexic consulting ‘detective’. Non-partisan news & current affairs — using public sourced investigative reporting. Ben has worked as investigative journalist & researcher for a number of NZ/Australian & UK media outlets, universities & NGOs for over 3 decades. He has to-date written two NZ best sellers (State Secrets 1 & 2). Post 9/11 Ben went independent & he began producing his own newspaper/magazines/books under his DEADLINE label. Ben holds a degree in history & political science. A former army reservist who served in the Royal New Zealand Artillery & 2/1st Infantry — with postings in signals, artillery intelligence, field/ counterintelligence, reconnaissance. Ben currently produces Fresh FM’s top rating current affairs show ‘The DEADLINE REPORT’ Fridays & Sunday @1pm. He works as a consultant for UK hedge funds who focus on exposing the financing of terrorism, fraud and human trafficking, on behalf of business news, insurance & banking firms. Ben’s hobbies include collecting ‘Sheldon Cooper’ T-shirts & talking to cats whom he insists have a far better grasp on common sense or karma than the average ‘Oohman’. As Ben points out the average earthling watches over 78,000 hours of TV but reads less than 700 books. No wonder Earth is so screwed.

BEN VIDGEN WEBSITE HERE Has links to all Ben’s Deadline material ) Vids, blogs, podcasts, tour details…

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Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.

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Trump Verdict: Pandora's Box has been opened, gloat while you still can.

Sat Jun 1 , 2024
The Great Gloat began yesterday for yours truly when a lefty workmate got the notification he’d been waiting for on his spyphone and couldn’t wait to tell any Trump fan within a kilometer radius the joyous news. I simply gave him a look of pity. Once Pandora’s box is opened […]
Gloat Trump verdict

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