Hacking the mobile phones of British families who had lost loved ones to sexually depraved violent criminals, al-Qaeda inspired “terrorists” and Taliban insurgents proved the tipping point that led to the closure of Britain’s most popular Sunday newspaper The News of the World, first published in London in 1843 and […]

Ossur Skarphedinsson, Icelandic Minister for Foreign Affairs, and his entourage had their trip to Gaza interrupted yesterday when Israeli soldiers obstructed the path of their cars with large rocks. The Icelandic FM’s visit to Palestine has now drawn to a close with one of the biggest headlines being Skarphedinsson’s declaration […]


Rallies have taken place in Australia in protest at plans by the Labor government to bring in a carbon tax. Hundreds of people have attended demonstrations in the national capital Canberra as well as in Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. Protesters say they are just ordinary Australian workers and taxpayers […]
