Brazil says it has recognized the state of Palestine based on borders at the time of Israel’s 1967 conquest of the West Bank. The Foreign Ministry says the recognition is in response to a request made by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas last month to President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. […]


Feature-length documentary about a platoon of American soldiers stationed in Korangal Valley in Afghanistan. The name “Restrepo”, comes from the medical platoon, all of which died during the war. This place is one of the most dangerous jobs in the army of the United Zjedynoczonych. The intention of the filmmakers, […]

Repeating the horrors of the Vietnam War Borrowing a page from its infamous “pacification” effort in South Vietnam, where peasant villages were napalmed and burned to the ground to “save them from the communists,” the Obama-ordered surge in Afghanistan has been secretly blowing up thousands of homes and leveling portions […]


Water + Sunlight = Hydrogen & Oxygen Hydrogen is a great fuel. What if you could make it at home, easily, cheaply, safely? You can. Dan Nocera made it open source. MIT has the patent. The new catalyst developed by MIT researchers consists of cobalt metal, phosphate and an electrode. […]
