The Palestinian village of An Nabi Salih gathers every Friday in protest at the theft of their land, their water and the daily brutality of the illegal Israeli occupation. As in all the Palestinian villages confronted by the overwhelming military superiority of the IDF the question turns increasingly to how […]

An Air Force plane prompts concerns about space-based military operations. CNN’s Barbara Starr reports. [ Remember CNN ?  They helped to cheerlead you into the war on South West Asia. ] [youtube]b3bZRLgnLjA[/youtube] Is the X-37B the start of war in space? https://www.news.com.au/technology/is-… IT’S one of the most anticipated space launches […]


[ One of the creative minds behind ‘Pulp Fiction’ tackled Brett Easton Ellis’ second novel about life at an elite college – and it made for some interesting filmery ] [youtube]EsgcsPW34VE[/youtube] [youtube]E6EPa9Fw3Lk[/youtube] [youtube]nDkAQ7d1D90[/youtube] [youtube]3GAwi34vHyQ[/youtube] [ Stupid girl … ] [youtube]DRkAewOCHFQ[/youtube]
