Music Break [ From the same pond that spawned Billy Idol – comes : ] Sigue Sigue Sputnik – Love Missile F1-11 (uncensored)


American security guards charged with killing two civilians in Afghanistan had criminal records, a Senate committee has heard. They were guilty of assault, battery and drug-taking in the past. The men were in Afghanistan with a subsidiary of the private security firm Blackwater, previously accused of murdering civilians in Iraq.

You would think that a Nobel Peace Prize winning President Barack “mau mau” Obama would jump at the opportunity to save lives and ensure peace by accepting a new Iranian government peace offerer. instead, “Mau Mau” sent his minions Robert Gibbs to reject Iran ‘s offer. “Time and patience is […]

[ h/t : Monmouth ] NYFD 9/11 witnesses 911 Mysteries- Demolitions (part1) “This film has 90 minutes of pure demolition evidence and analysis, laced with staggering witness testimonials. Moving from “the myth” through “the analysis” and into “the players,” careful deconstruction of the official story set right alongside […]

[ Palestine, Iraq, Kashmir, Afghanistan, Pakistan, North East India, Georgia, The Ukraine. Seen from space – it’s like one big Asian Land Grab. This is exactly why you don’t let greedy civilian asshole corporates run your foreign policy. ] Russia will have to respond as it is concerned by NATO’s […]
