SO like hollywood to like cancel a show just when it starts getting really  – really – interesting. I haven’t been this miffed since they prematurely canned ‘Twin Peaks’ & ‘Angel’ . ‘Last Resort’ marks the American Broadcast Corporation’s first ( and maybe it’s last ? ) foray into the […]


[ It’s too bad that there are so few like him ] President Hugo Chávez Frias, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and leader of the Bolivarian Revolution that has swept through Latin America and indeed the world died at 4:25 p.m. today in Caracas following a 2 year battle […]

Brace yourself for a hailstorm of anti-Russian zionist propaganda. [ … kind of like just like what Hollywood’s been pumping out for the last little while ] “We believe that the practical implementation of a nuclear-free zone will become possible only when all countries in the region, INCLUDING ISRAEL, join the NPT and subject […]


The United States, North Korea, Russia, China, Israel, The United Kingdom, & The European Union are all engaging in gregarious social military operations that impoverish our Global Culture and are keeping people on the brink of starvation and abject poverty. [youtube]kZDT3i5VGN8[/youtube]
