Alex Garland writer of the acheingly apocalyptic yet head-pokeingly brilliant cinematic outings : The Beach, [youtube]1EJ1T0cf-Wk[/youtube] 28 Days Later, [youtube]TgMc-y5FrU4[/youtube] Sunshine, [youtube]r8BSlqHAhuY[/youtube] ~ and screen-scribe of the horrendously depressing yet undeniably exceptional ‘all clones are inherently fucked’ fest : Never Let Me Go, [youtube]sXiRZhDEo8A[/youtube] has been busy rebooting, rewinding,  and […]


On August 3, The General Assembly ignored rule of law principles. Member states are sworn to uphold them. It passed a non-binding Syrian resolution 133 – 12. Thirty-one nations abstained. Cowardice defines their failure to do the right thing. Saudi Arabia drafted the measure. It partnered with Qatar and perhaps […]


For hundreds of years an elite group of oligarchs have ruled the land, fueled by a legacy of sex, money, power and greed…. ….in the last 60 years they have become more organized. Their own white papers and other documents show the diabolic plans they have in store for the […]
