Two perspectives on the latest Russian threat. Note “un-named sources” as usual. Seems to me this another effort to drum up congressional funding based around “credible threat”. Nothing new there. I suspect the US is actually well ahead of the game on space-based weapons tech anyhow, but here’s Sandboxx YT […]

Controlling the Narrative? The snuck premise of “false claims” regarding Trump’s election defeat in 2020 is being used constantly by New Zealand’s mainstream media outlets (who are predominantly pro-Left). Without taking the trouble to do any independent research, one would conclude that Biden’s victory is an irrefutable fact. This may […]

Per US Census Data, during the height of COVID the elderly population grew to 6.7 million in 2020, but was devastated by the loss of more than 1 million lives in 2021, after the mRNA vaccine rollout. KAREN KINGSTONFEB 12 February 8, 2024: While doctors, medical experts, and government officials are […]


As the Western world continues to swing towards the political Right Wing, many of us are rejoicing a reprieve from the liberal-progressive insanity of the Left. But are we being led into trap? Is the Left-Right divide a charade? David Sorenson thinks so, and a plot to bring forth a […]

The best science fiction manages to predict the future accurately decades or even centuries in advance, which is why you’ve got a HAL-9000 in your pocket right now. It tends to happen naturally, but in the case of Soylent Green, a worldwide cohort of intelligentsia, business leaders, and politicians are […]


Here’s the video everyone has been waiting for…except the MSM who are terrified at the idea of anyone conducting a meaningful interview with the Russian President Putin lest it destroy their carefully constructed cartoon supervillain strawman! Enjoy. Watch Tucker’s immediate reaction to the interview here: Tucker interviews Vladimir Putin […]
