•Meta analysis using the most serious outcome reported shows 66% [52‑76%] and 86% [75‑92%] improvement for early treatment and prophylaxis, with similar results after exclusion based sensitivity analysis and restriction to peer-reviewed studies or Randomized Controlled Trials. •Statistically significant improvements are seen for mortality, ventilation, ICU admission, hospitalization, recovery, cases, and viral clearance. 30 studies show statistically significant improvements in isolation. •Results are very robust — in […]
The retinal implants are failing, the cognitive decline is well advanced. And so is the ratings decline. But then it was said right from the beginning that poor old Joe Biden was just a trojan horse to get the far-Left radicals through the door. MH Sky News host Rita Panahi […]
Today I contacted the Human Rights Commission in response to the government’s CO-ronavirusV-accine-ID certificate rollout announcement. Their website information seems somewhat out of date. Martin Harris 5/10/21 My Email to HRC: Hi guys Time you updated the info on your page: Human Rights Commission :: Covid-19 vaccine and human rights […]
This is what courage looks like. (If this was about Climate Change this student would be hailed as the next Greta Thunberg). RTSun, 10 Oct 2021 A 16-year-old high school girl was arrested and her entire school locked down, all over her refusal to wear a face mask. Her arrest caused […]
We posted a video last week in which Kieran Morrissey warned that the next phase in the Bill Gates inspired attack on public health would come in the form of the Marburg virus. As if in confirmation, armed men attacked his house last night, and the Irish police refused to […]
Hillary Clinton was booed & jeered by a group outside Queen’s University Belfast before her ceremony to become the college’s chancellor. Great commentary from Russel Brand I know Brand is not everyone’s cup of tea, but this is well worth watching, even if just to see Hillary being heckled by […]
Dear NZ Government, I reject this Amendment Bill as well as the original Health Response Bill No.1. In particular I reject all aspects of it related to the COVID-19 vaccine. Any continued roll out of the current mass vaccine programme, especially the continuation and increasing powers of vaccine mandates through […]
If you believe in a “Deep State” embedded in the US government, then you’re falling down the conspiracy “rabbit hole,” the Washington Post claims. Yet the Post believes this theory too. It just doesn’t call it a ‘Deep State’. RTFri, 08 Oct 2021 Nine in 10 Americans believe at least one conspiracy theory, researchers found earlier this […]
Covid cases in the UK have dropped for a fifth day in a row, official figures revealed today. Another 35,077 positive tests were recorded across Britain, down 7.6 per cent on last Monday. Emily CraigThe Daily MailMon, 04 Oct 202 The decline follows nearly two weeks of rising infections, fuelled […]
Two items of recommended and essential reading regarding COVID Vaccine Deaths and Adverse Reactions, courtesy of Uncensored Magazine editor Jon Eisen. (I can vouch for the fact that many mRNA vaccinated people within my sphere of contact are suffering adverse reactions of one sort or another, and simply not reporting […]