As forecast the result of the so called House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation UFO disclosure turned out to be very ho hum. The question remains what the political purpose behind pushing this non story which sources back to the spooks and pop stars from […]
“People will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.”” To get people so high on drugs that they transcended their slave state and didn’t care about it”– Aldous Huxley Brave New World NIGHTBREED
“Mr. Biden is a professional, and you need to be very careful when working with him so as not to miss something…He himself does not miss a thing, I assure you, and this was absolutely clear to me…Let me say it again: he is focused, he knows what he wants […]
Christchurch got a head start after the 2011 earthquake “demolition job”. Now Wellington is close behind and may soon eclipse Christchurch as leading 2030 Agenda “Sustainable City”. Here’s the article from Pam Vernon: IMPLEMENTING AGENDA 21/30: WELLINGTON COUNCILLORS VOTE TO INVESTIGATE CAR-FREE CENTRAL CITY BY 2025 If you have had […]
This is what Evil looks like. Vile, monstrous, and legal in New Zealand. Is this what we have sunk to? MH From Jo Blogs, Red Sky In The Morning It is illegal in New Zealand for a dairy famer to induce a calf who wouldn’t survive being born too early. […]
Mainstream journalism has become a travesty. They should be covering the stories, but they have mostly become participants in the official policy of censoring objective scientific inquiry. from Jonathan Eisen People who are asking intelligent questions, doing their homework and questioning official “truths” are being labelled “conspiracy theorists” – and […]
Eleven days before Donald Trump was sworn-in as President, the Obama regime LIFTED a moratorium on “gain of function” research, paving the way for scientists to fiddle with germs, like COVID, to see if they could be made MORE contagious. First a definition. What is “gain of function” research? “. […]
“New” research claims that Polynesians may have discovered Antarctica prior to the Europeans, and that knowledge of such has been neglected, either through ignorance or willful censorship, according to a Gizmodo article. Is this true? Well, I happen to be in a position to shed some light on the matter! […]
A malaria drug which Donald Trump was condemned for hailing as a possible COVID-19 treatment can increase survival rates by up to 200 per cent, scientists say. Scientists found that, when ventilated patients with a severe version of COVID were given high doses of hydroxychloroquine with zinc, their survival rates […]
ABC journalist, 45, who broke story of secret Arizona tarmac meeting between Bill and Loretta Lynch in 2016 before Hillary email probe was dropped ‘kills himself’ Ariel Zilber and Ross Ibbetson – Daily June 13, 2021 Prior to becoming a journalist, Sign attended the University of Alabama in the […]