Opposition to 5G is worldwide. Many in Australia have been protesting deployment and continue to do so. One municipal council has agreed to conduct a safety investigation because of this. JUNE 26, 2020 By B.N. Frank Cities AND countries have taken action to ban, delay, halt, and limit 5G installation as well as […]
“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.” “The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction.” “Those who contemplate the […]
Ben Vidgen investigates strange goings-on over NZ through the (alleged) lockdown. Exhaustive research, be sure to check out all the links for the full story, MH Folk like Hyram Twang one of Dunedin’s most respected musicians and deemed a community stalwart all round town has just given an eye witness observation […]
Statue Was of Civil War Abolitionist and Hero Who Died In Effort to End Slavery Jim Hoft – Gateway Pundit June 24, 2020 A statue of a Norwegian-born Civil War hero was torn down yesterday in Madison, Wisconsin. The hero, Hans Christian Heg, was an abolitionist who gave his life […]
The Fed and the Banks and the Funds… all rolled into One World Company Ellen BrownSott.netTue, 23 Jun 2020 BlackRock is a global financial giant with customers in 100 countries and its tentacles in major asset classes all over the world; and it now manages the spigots to trillions of […]
Biden is protected by brain doubles as HRC used the two body doubles. (…about which I wrote in 2016, and subsequently.) by G Squared 24/6/20 When Trump cleared Minneapolis, there were a number of arrests. The bails for which were met by The Biden Campaign Account. Trump cleared Washington. Subsequently […]
A range of Walmart-sold T Shirts is under fire for unfathomable reasons. by Martin Harris 24/6/20 This shirt is one of a range including “Homeless Lives Matter”. “Red Lives Matter” “Black Lives matter” and so-on. Some are apparently tongue in cheek, others making a genuine statement. Apparently these variations on […]
Power politics of the 21st century has acquired a need for legitimacy. And quite rightly so. JUNE 22, 2020 By Dustin Broadbery Gone are the days of marauding despots, kings and thieves, unashamedly plundering, wreaking havoc and having first dibs on the common man’s virgin bride, all under the good name […]
Epstein-Maxwell super-yacht Dancing Hare back in NZ waters! Ben Vidgen follows up on the story: “Four days were spent in thinking what name to give him, because (as he said to himself) it was not right that a horse belonging to a knight so famous, and one with such merits […]
The police in China are collecting blood samples from men and boys from across the country to build a genetic map of its roughly 700 million males, giving authorities a powerful new tool for their emerging high-tech surveillance state. They have swept across the country since late 2017 to collect […]