Hitler Rants channel is the real winner in this trainwreck of a presidential debate. Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/@hitlerrantsparodies
A 20-year-old woman in Hamburg, Germany, has been sent to prison after making “hateful” remarks towards a migrant who was involved in the gang rape of a child. The woman is just one of 140 people being investigated for making “harmful comments” towards the rapists. The Publica TeamThe PublicaSun, 23 Jun 2024 © […]
Here’s the link where you can watch all 3 Presidential candidates answer the CNN moderator questions. Starts at 6pm PT, 9pm ET. STEVE KIRSCHJUN 27 Three candidates qualified for the June presidential debate, but CNN is only going to let you hear from two of them. The same two who’ve […]
A combination of cultured cells and silicone could help robots appear more human in future thanks to realistic skin elasticity. And they can smile like us too. Rory BathgateLive ScienceTue, 25 Jun 2024 © Shoji Takeuchi, Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), the University of Tokyo Researchers have pioneered a method that […]
Update(2124ET): WikiLeaks has released its first footage showing Julian Assange as a free man, emerging from Belmarsh prison looking triumphant and joyous, and soon after boarding a plane to his native Australia… BY TYLER DURDEN https://www.zerohedge.com TUESDAY, JUN 25, 2024 Below is the official statement from WikiLeaks: JULIAN ASSANGE IS FREE […]
Liz Gunn speaks to Andrew Bridgen who is an Independent Candidate in the UK’s upcoming Snap Election on July 4th, 2024. Andrew has been a leading voice in the global fight for truth and transparency against the tyrannical government regimes of the times we live in. Andrew welcomes any and […]
Yes, the Great Reset appears to have achieved the reverse of its goals. Tucker Carlson’s latest guest explains why brilliantly. THE VIGILANT FOX JUN 20 Whoopsie. The Powers That Be wanted to enslave humanity. Instead, they caused a Great Awakening. It seems that they “fumbled the ball” when they pushed […]
Recent developments are shedding light on the truths we’ve been advocating for from the beginning—and they have reached mainstream media. From NZDSOS: https://nzdsos.com In the U.S., the 9th Circuit Court recently ruled in favour of the Health Freedom Defense Fund. This landmark decision, written by Judge Ryan D. Nelson, recognises the […]
Unfortunate events have dogged New Zealand this past week or so. But were they just coincidences? Martin Harris 22/6/24 It all began with a rather important visitor. Li Qiang, the CCP Premiere, on his whirlwind tour of the Pacific region, came to have some words with our PM. Naturally, much […]
During the previous years, and more specifically the last few months, the intensity of a putrid smell of war has increased to the point where apocalypse could be just around the corner. Peter KoenigGlobal ResearchSun, 16 Jun 2024 More and more talks of war, a fear-mongering discourse, the projection of […]