It was only a matter of time before Social Credit, the ultimate Police State control tool, crept out from China into the wider world via the Belt and Road and 5G: POSTED BY: JOSHUA PHILLIP TN has warned that China intends to aggressively export its draconian social control system. It has […]
Probably not much, is the short answer. By Martin Harris, 12/5/19 A recent UN report claims that “up to a million species of plants and animals are declining at a rate previously unseen in human history.” Well, that’s hardly surprising. It’s being blamed on climate change. Again, hardly surprising. “Human […]
The dark side of “digital parenting”. Is there really a bright side? Have we really become so dependent upon AI that we rely on machines, data collecting machines, to raise and interact with one’s child? Surely time spent with our youngsters is the most precious of times. Frank Herbert’s fictional […]
As reputedly smart as Elon Musk may be, he does have a habit of landing himself in trouble. I guess we’ll find out if he’s made of Teflon or not eventually! Of course, there IS always the possibility that Musk’s accusations have a basis? The trial could be interesting. MH […]
As my Carol Sawyer relates in the article below, something is seriously off-kilter in NZ right now, and it seems tied in with things far beyond local events if media reports are anything to go by. A certain mainstream media source related no less than three times (in what amounts […]
Blocking payments to individuals or groups by financial service firms impedes freedom of speech in a free society, journalist Ben Swann has told RT, following reports that MasterCard is allegedly on course to censor the far-right. Published time: 3 May, 2019 04:13 Edited time: 3 May, 2019 08:38 The New […]
I don’t want to get too speculative on this one: Respect and condolences to the family of the deceased comes first,but I suspect there’s more to the picture. MH Thanks to SG for article and links Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern expresses her condolences to the family of the SAS trooper […]
A question that’s become more prominent within mainstream scientific circles is whether or not the mind can affect matter. Arjun WaliaCollective EvolutionTue, 30 Apr 2019 11:29 UTC A question that’s become more prominent within mainstream scientific circles is whether or not the mind can affect matter. The connection between human […]
North Island military exercise begins today People are being told not to panic if they see a large military presence in parts of the North Island from today. Counter-terrorism training between the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) and the United States Army is getting underway across Auckland, Kaipara and Waiouru. […]
I can understand this treatment being used to control Parkinsons, but drug addiction? What comes next? Cure your belief in “conspiracies” or even views questioning the official “narrative”? Dangerous territory. MH ERIKA KINETZ, Associated Press – Associated Press – Wednesday, 8 May 2019 Patient Number One is a thin man, […]