California kindergartners could soon learn all about the “gender stereotypes” plaguing society, the importance of accepting transgender lifestyles, a kaleidoscope of 15 different genders to choose from, and other “health guidelines.” Victor SkinnerEAGNEWS.orgFri, 18 Jan 2019 17:34 UTC California kindergartners could soon learn all about the “gender stereotypes” plaguing society, […]

Donald Trump to meet Kim Jong Un ‘within weeks’ for second nuclear summit, White House says James Morris Donald Trump is to hold a second summit with Kim Jong Un in February, the White House has confirmed. It follows the US president’s meeting with the North Korean leader in […]

Plausible. Discernment required due to lack of source names (for admittedly legit reasons). As the author says “we shall see!”) Follow me on GAB and Twitter… BitChute… EMAIL: Support me on Patreon:

– “…We are currently in the second generation, specifically marked by theadvances in computer CPU technology. Advances in the third generation will allow for much of the diamond nano-skinned balloon systems to function. The fourth generation will converge networkability, energy conversion and molecular scale activities in atmospheric change” The Smoking […]

Who would have ‘thunk’ it: a routine international traveler’s vaccination apparently delivered organ failure to renowned cancer expert Martin Gore, 67, who took the Yellow Fever vaccine. By Catherine J. Frompovich Can we equate Dr. Gore’s sudden death with what infants often experience after receiving vaccines, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome […]
