In a hideous reflection of China’s already-prevalent ‘Social Credit’ system – which is a rating assigned to each citizen based on government data regarding their economic and social status – The Washington Post reports that Facebook has begun to assign its users a reputation score, predicting their trustworthiness on a […]
Latest from Tyler at Secureteam10 continues the featuring of underground “booms” being heard around the USA, and some rather artificial looking square and rectangular cloud formations, complete with telltale g-wave vortices typical of HAARP weather mod: They’re Appearing Everywhere Now.. secureteam10 Published on Aug 19, 2018 Subscribed 1.7M For as […]
Peter Thiel’s data-mining company is using War on Terror tools to track American citizens. The scary thing? Palantir is desperate for new customers. By Peter Waldman, Lizette Chapman, and Jordan Robertson April 19, 2018 High above the Hudson River in downtown Jersey City, a former U.S. Secret Service agent named […]
The Catholic Church, politicians, TV personalities, now the UN: Organized sexual exploitation of children is on a scale that is indeed horrifying. The scum always rises to the surface and the truth is being exposed bit by bit. AUGUST 12, 2018 By Matt Agorist A deeply disturbing report has finally […]
CNBC: “Democrats view socialism more positively than capitalism, according to a new Gallup poll…” August 16, 2018 | Jon Rappoport | No More Fake News To give you an idea of the deception inherent in socialism, here is a quote from none other than Andrew Carnegie, once one of the […]
On Point Preparedness Published on Jul 13, 2018 Note: If you don’t know about the old “Thousands Points Of Light” foundation and it’s Illuminist/Satanist connections, the video will clue you in on the basics. Here’s a passage and link to more information, and there’s plenty more on the Weird Wild […]
I wonder if this is a directed energy weapon? Could this be behind all the recent wildfires? Or is it a sonic weapon or a Satellite killer? Or is it all just US propaganda? Mystery Russian satellite’s behaviour raises alarm in US A mysterious Russian satellite displaying “very abnormal behaviour” […]
Egypt is a busy place right now, archaeologically speaking! first up, some new corroboration for the old claims about “Pyramid Power”. Mainstream physics backs up the New Age claims of the Great Pyramid’s ability to focus and channel energy. Great pyramid of Giza’s shape can focus energy through its chambers […]
The subject of a forthcoming Discovery Channel “treasure Hunter” show, and found by consulting the data supplied by ex astronaut Gordon Cooper (a confirmed UFO/ET believer). I say it’s too premature to be talking aliens or vehicles just yet, especially considering this is going to be hyped to the max […]
The Alt Media has been pursuing this subject for a long time and the evidence has been steadily mounting. Here’s a new report from the mainstream via Popular Science: Screens are killing your eyeballs, and now we know how The “blue screen of death” is taking on a whole […]