The worldwide flood legends are worldwide for a good reason. Seems Australia now has its own Doggerland, and all these sunken lands relate back to the Younger Dryas catastrophe and its aftermath. MH Katherine DonlevyNew York PostSat, 23 Dec 2023 Forget about the lost city of Atlantis. Scientists stumbled upon […]
NOTE: The following story has come from Hal Turner and is being reported nowhere in the MSM. Be sure to read comments and supplementary info below the article. We’ll continue to keep you informed. MH Russian officials arrived in Washington, DC Thursday morning to discuss the terms of Ukraine’s SURRENDER. […]
Videos hand-picked from YouTube for information, education, and thought. All from channels I sub to and recommend. Why compose a waffly article for each one when I can just lump them all together? Enjoy! MH The Worst Medical Experiment in US History is Worse Than You Thought (advance warning, there’s […]
Russell Brand addresses the Colorada Ruling. We present the YT version here as the Rumble feed is being subjected to DDOS attacks at the time of posting. In any event this tells you WAY more than any of the MSM channels in NZ will say. MH Trump’s BOMBSHELL Colorado Ruling […]
Even in spite of the evidence that masks don’t work, and in spite of the evidence that Covid is now a pandemic of the vaccinated, lunatic Michael Baker is just pushing the mask-and-jab message with evangelistic zeal. here’s NZDSOS with more…MH New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science Image […]
Climate news and videos from CDN. Timely in the context of the fearmongering going on here in Christchurch with the MSM deliberately conflating land subsidence post-earthquake with alleged (“projected”) sea level rise. Basic physics: Water rises to a level. here’s some balance and realism. MH From Climate Discussion News: Climate […]
A Canadian journalist who advocated putting people who refused to get vaccinated against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), into CONCENTRATION CAMPS has died suddenly at the young age of 33, with obituaries being guarded about broadcasting his cause of death. Arsenio Toledo – Natural News Dec 17, 2023 Ian Vandaelle, a former reporter and […]
An Israeli council head has called for sending all Gazans to refugee camps in Lebanon and “flattening” the whole besieged area so it becomes an empty museum like Auschwitz. Press TV – Dec 18, 2023 In an interview with Tel Aviv’s Radio 103FM station on Sunday, David Azoulai said that the […]
They can’t get their facts straight. They never bother to check the hand-waving arguments that they get if they match the narrative STEVE KIRSCHDEC 17 Really? News to me. You be the judge. Executive summary Another day, another flawed fact check. This one comes with a bonus about Professor […]
The following abstract is from a paper published Nov. 2023 that has been conveniently ignored by the MSM as the ice mass gain evidence is somewhat unpalatable to The Narrative. Please kindly share this data with your climate-alarmist friends, would you? MH Wei WangResearch Gate Abstract and Figures The Antarctic […]