….Well, are ya…?   In all the excitement over this new contest, I may not have counted the parting shot in my last comment. But somethin’ I’d never forget is how easy it is to win a FREE SUBSCRIPTION to Uncensored Magazine. It’s well-known that each of you Uncensored readers […]

The Federal Bureau of Investigation was unable to access any of the cell phones Hillary Clinton used while she was Secretary of State and now we know why – she had her staff smash them with a hammer.   According to newly released FBI documents, the investigation into Clinton’s use […]

by Steven M. Druker, J.D. Although it purports to be based on solid science and the open flow of information on which science depends, the massive venture to reconfigure the genetic core of the world’s food supply has substantially relied on the propagation of falsehoods. Its advancement and very survival […]

HOW IS THIS NOT FRONT PAGE NEWS ?   Jane Burgermeister posted: “From Investors: Scandal: Leaked documents provide juicy insider details of how a fabulously rich businessman has been using his money to influence elections in Europe, underwrite an extremist group, target U.S. citizens who disagree”     BIZARRE MEDIA BLACKOUT OF […]

Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service has issued a report saying that the father of a doctor treating Hillary Clinton for dementia was found killed this weekend after he leaked information about her deteriorating health to the public.  According to the report, Vincent Fleck, the father of Clinton’s physician Dr. Daniel Fleck, was found near […]
