Would love some feedback on this. If legit the likeness is uncanny on those police identity pics. See also: UPDATE: Death toll now six:
Sioux Tribe Leader Responds to Army Corps Eviction Letter With Ominous Warning to US Gov’t Claire Bernish November 26, 2016 :Free Thought Project In response to the altogether shocking announcement the Army Corps of Engineers will be evicting water protectors from the Oceti Sakowin and any camps north of […]
looks like our last issue’s cover is still relevant! “Will Hillary Steal the US Election?” Trump dismisses Wisconsin recount drive as ‘ A scam’ Image copyright AP Image caption Donald Trump: “The people have spoken and the election is over.” Trump elected The people around Donald Trump 23 November […]
Reddit Bans ‘Pizzagate’ Investigation into D.C.-area Child Sex Ring — Labels it a ‘Witch Hunt’ Jay Syrmopoulos November 24, 2016 5 Comments 40Share 15Tweet 17Share 4Reddit 1Share 7Email Yesterday, something very strange happened on Reddit, as the subreddit, r/Pizzagate was unceremoniously banned by the social media company — with a […]
Hot off the press, so details are scant as I write, but the mainstream news is just reporting the death of Cuban leader Fidel Castro: No doubt more detail will come to hand shortly. UPDATED INFO: FAIRFAX NZ Cuban state television is reporting the death of former leader Fidel […]
make of this information what you will. As usual, do your research and “think for yourself” Source is John de Rothschild at the Trump may have taken Michigan today, but that will not make a difference. Jill Stein demanded a recount, and the recount WILL be rigged. They have had […]
; Real or wishful thinking? Hungary, the UK, the US, Bulgaria, Moldova free from Khazarian control, Austria, Italy, South Korea next Posted by benjamin November 21, 2016 The liberation of the planet earth from Khazarian gangster control is now snowballing. The UK liberated itself with the Brexit vote while the Americans […]