Vax by aerosol has been the subject of hoaxes several times in the past, but this time there’s some substance to the story. Read on… From Video Link Story at-a-glance Yale University researchers have developed a new airborne method for delivering mRNA right to your lungs. The team has also […]
Dictator Dan is gone! Congrats to Victoria and a great vid here from Rebel News as freedom lovers unite and fascist hypocrite Andrews fans get a grilling! Thousands of Victorians gathered outside the Victorian Parliament in Melbourne to celebrate the sudden resignation of Premier Dan Andrews. (For readers outside Aussie […]
NOW is the time. Take action against the WHO before its too late! If you are a citizen or resident of the UK, please sign this petition and spread the word. The deadline to sign is October 3, 2023.… More useful links from James;… (worldwide) […]
You’ve got to hand it to Mr. Brand. despite the blatantly contrived attack orchestrated by Channel 4 and backed by the UK Government, he’s not only soldiered on regardless, but upped his content output AND increased his views. This one’s a beaut, highlighting the idiocrasy and hypocrisy of Trudeau and […]
Bill Gates is suddenly changing his tune and appears to be abandoning the “climate doom” Narrative just as more people see through the climate change façade and realize how their lives are being exploited by globalism. From Via Pam Vernon, “Gates, author of “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster,” spent […]
Zelensky asks Satanist Marina Abramovic to be Ukrainian Ambassador Benjamin Wetmore – The Gateway Pundit Sept 23, 2023 In the middle of a never-ending war with Russia, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has asked Serbian Satanist Marina Abramovic to become an “Ambassador” for the war-torn country as reported by the UK Telegraph. Despite […]
For years, the Nord Stream pipelines have epitomized energy stability for Europe’s largest economy. Germany’s industries, households, and economic engine have heavily relied on the uninterrupted flow of Russian gas. However, overnight, a sudden and audacious disruption to this vital energy supply sent shockwaves across Germany, leaving it exposed and […]
Masked maniac Michael Baker is back regurgitating the same old crap about masking and jabbing. Paul Brennan at Reality Check radio scoffs at the lunacy 347 views Sep 24, 2023 The ‘Normie News’ segment is always a lot of fun! Paul Brennan wasn’t having a bar of Michael Baker’s new […]
MEP Anderson took no prisoners in her latest warning to the globalitarian elite. Vigilant NewsWed, 20 Sep 2023 Member of the European Parliament Christine Anderson has been an unyielding opponent to Klaus Schwab’s ‘Great Reset’ Agenda. Known best for her famous smackdown on Justin Trudeau, MEP Anderson has established herself as one of […]
Ukraine seems to have slipped from the news cycle here in New Zealand where forthcoming elections take centre-stage. We aren’t the only place where a change of government might just signal a change in the storyline. A very worried Zelensky is losing friends rapidly. Here’s some indications that “Article 88” […]