If these are only the celebrities, then how many more among the general population have died or suffered lasting adverse reactions? How many sufferers got fobbed off by their healthcare providers? Quick: How many people do you know of in your daily lives who’ve had cardiac issues after the vax, […]

Friday. Another loopy week in the world headlines is over. Here’s some light relief via the Babylon Bee! Trump indicted for keeping classified documents at Mar-A-Lago instead of somewhere secure – like the trunk of a Corvette Former President Donald Trump has officially been indicted by the federal government on […]

Part of the British Government, Covid disinformation unit ‘hourly contact’ with tech firms From Dr. John Campbell on YouTube: Dr. John Campbell https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/… https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023… British civil service, secretive government unit Flagged critics of lockdown and pandemic policy https://www.gov.uk/government/publica… A secretive government Covid unit (CDU), (A cell within government) accused of […]

There’s no hiding the connection anymore: Canadian and US authorities recommending face masking amidst cries of “Climate Emergency” The two streams of the same agenda merge seamlessly. MH From Clown World YT Channel: From Off-Guardian: Kit Knightly – Off-Guardian June 8, 2023 Canadian wildfires are all over the headlines, but […]

Yet another video from John Campbell “fairly terrifying” with new language/Newspeak “Digital Health” followed by an urgent article from Guy Hatchard. Time to act! Speak Up Now, It is Almost Too Late By Guy Hatchard This brings to mind the conditions imposed on daily life during pandemic lockdowns which were […]

WHO saw this coming? Most of us awakened people surely did. Be sure to sign the petition, as every little thing you can do to resist helps (really, it does!) MH From Pam Vernon at Envirowatch NZ So there’s more than one way to keep folk in their 15 minute […]
