Using data from the United Kingdom, a top insurance industry analyst estimates 600,000 Americans per year are dying from the Covid shots Leo Hohmann – June 2, 2023 The United States has become one of the worst countries in the world when it comes to medical transparency. But one […]

More AI madness. What happens when an idiot programmer gives their creation too much freedom. Didn’t these lunatics ever read Frankenstein or watch The Terminator? MH From Jeff Wefferson: “The US Air Force tested an AI enabled drone that was tasked to destroy specific targets. A human operator had the […]

Left-wing extremism is linked to toxic, psychopathic tendencies and narcissism, according to a new study published to the peer-reviewed journal Current Psychology. Alex MitchellNew York PostThu, 25 May 2023 © APLeft-wing extremism can be rooted in very unhealthy and selfish mental behavior, a new study suggests. “Based on existing research, we expected […]

The Platform tells you about the government’s latest censorship plans. Sean Plunket discusses this with Jonathan Ayling from the Free Speech Union. Join Platform Plus for enhanced access and features: Download The Platform app for free: App Store:… Google Play:…

Eat up! “You don’t think people who hid behind face diapers and face shields are going to say no to a dinner of grasshoppers and cockroaches?” by Mike Stone – ( Forbes recently ran a piece called “Eat Bugs! It’s What for Dinner.” Why is a so-called financial magazine promoting bugs […]

AI isn’t so useless after all. Amazon figures it would be smart to teach it’s AI about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. The AI disagrees and begins yeeting itself! That is just TOO good! even the AI recognizes woke as poison Twitter for thearchcast! Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Islamophobic AI… Martin […]
