In the 1960s Europe was European. Germany was German. France was French. Italy was Italian. The Netherlands were Dutch. Sweden was Swedish. Spain was Spanish. The distinct ethnic nationalities gave Europe a lot of diversity. Paul Craig Roberts — Feb 20, 2023 Today all of these countries are towers […]

Hi Freedom loving kiwis.  After much difficulty I have got a petition onto the NZ Parliament Website  A Petition for a  Royal Commission of Inquiry into the safety and efficacy of the Covid vaccines Please Sign and share far and wide  Let’s send the New Zealand Government a clear message […]

Local farmer sounds the alarm! “While local news affiliates like WKBN promoted MyID,  journalists have yet to question local authorities about why these biometric monitoring devices were distributed in preparation for a “major disaster” a week before the major disaster.” From Gateway Pundit (link below) A man who lives nine miles away […]

Supreme Court ruling: Hardly anyone noticed that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. won the case against all the pharmaceutical lobbyists. Covid “vaccines” are not vaccines. In the ruling, the Supreme Court confirms that the damage caused by Covid mRNA gene therapies is irreparable. As the Supreme Court is the highest court […]

This is a MUST WATCH Kim Iversen interview with Disclosure’s Steven Greer bringing together the False Flag alien Invasion (Blue Beam) real ET UFOs and the recent balloon scare along with all the various potential agendas at play. When this stuff hits the mainstream you know something extraordinary is brewing! […]

Are you getting the picture yet? This article from Clare Swinney at chemtrailsnorthnz surely must pose some very obvious questions for you. As also must this one (link). The technology clearly exists but is clearly not being used for the reasons you would expect … EWR From Pam Vernon, original source Clare Swinney […]

Euthanasia masked as Covid medication? Some of us have suspected something like this since day one. Dr. Campbell sets out the facts. COVID-19 rapid guideline: managing symptoms (including at the end of life) in the community… Correlate the use of these drugs with ‘covid’ deaths… Spike in deaths, […]
