As many people must now realise, the word ‘Green’ has been hijacked.  It used to mean ‘natural’, ‘diverse’, ‘eco-friendly’ and ‘human scale’. That was while bona fide ecologists still held sway over the way the word was used. By Julian Rose Global Research, December 27, 2022 ‘Green’ meant taking a responsible […]

There is no argument against this. The facts may hurt, but they are facts, nonetheless. Please share with all your family and friends who are still watching the TV news or in denial-limbo. Swine flu vaccine (1976), 1 serious event per 100,000 vaccinees, Vaccine withdrawn Rotavirus vaccine Rotashield, (1999),1 to […]

Watch the vids, research the data, and you’ll find out all you need to know. The truth speaks for itself. No apparent covid in Africa Meanwhile, chaos runs rampant in China with infections soaring. Italy now requires mandatory testing for Chinese arrivals, and is finding 50% infection rates. Countries Impose […]

This one should ruffle a few feathers. Seelmann makes some bold statements about Putin here. Brace yourselves! MH (And please remember, this is one author’s opinion, we welcome any opinion in response as long as it’s expressed in a civil manner. Martin) Björn SeelmannSott.netSat, 24 Dec 2022 The West’s “Empire […]

 Lab created “viruses” in service of “vaccines.” Targeting children with a bioweapon next will “get people’s attention.” Good Citizen Dec 21 After everything that’s transpired over the past eighteen months, they haven’t bothered to recall any toxic poisons posing as “vaccines.” That’s how we know they’re working as intended. What […]

Our mainstream media couldn’t praise China highly enough when the pandemic was declared. Our leaders emulated their totalitarian measures. Recently, however, they’ve very quiet about how things are going in China. Here’s the grim reality. MH COVID-19 Out of Control in China, Reports Estimate 248 Million Infected in 20 Days […]

Dr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate Discussion Nexus weekly “Wednesday Wakeup” newsletter (…, starting with the Kremlin’s attempt to ruin Christmas, and life, in Ukraine by targeting energy infrastructure, and noting that, without the violence, Western governments are targeting their own. We also look at […]

Outer Light and Kunstler provide great comment and opinion on the latest drops regarding the previous Twitter administration corruption. The Outer Light The Outer Light 84.5K subscribers 🤗 Help support my channel: ❇️ 👁 From Kunstler: What It’s Really About “It is unfortunate that conspiracy theorists and others […]
