Not really any surprises in the midterms, but it certainly seems the results are subject to interference as per usual. MH Tuesday, November 08, 2022 by: JD Heyes (Natural News) With many regions of the country reporting record turnouts for midterms on Tuesday, what we’ve also seen is an alarmingly large number […]

The claim that nanotechnology is in the mRNA shots is gaining traction. Here’s the latest development: Rebecca WeisserThe Spectator, AustraliaSat, 05 Nov 2022 Graphene oxide? Nanobots? What is in the Pfizer vaccines? Recently, Dr David Nixon, a Brisbane GP, decided to find out, putting droplets of vaccine and the blood […]

“Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more..” will be a line familiar to Monty Python fans. But despite the comedic name, there’s nothing funny about this outfit. MH From Reclaim the Net: “Nudge Unit” recommends banks track carbon footprint of transactions, reward “sustainable behaviors” An influential United Kingdom (UK) based […]

Ardern said, “the world is watching New Zealand” and she was right, but for the wrong reasons! Martin Harris 6/11/22 Not so sure about Morris’s claim “the WEF is winning” as New Zealanders have made their feeling felt and our government has lost its support in a huge way. The […]

So, the CDC think’s its faster than “the speed of science”? MH The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) pressured U.S. regulators to clear COVID-19 boosters without clinical trial data, according to newly released emails. Zachary StieberThe Epoch TimesWed, 26 Oct 2022 CDC officials relayed to counterparts at […]
