birdflu666.wordpress.com Kafkaesque interrogation at Vienna court: Are the Baxter charges behind this? Judges are supposed to make their decisions on the basis of evidence, documents and facts, But in the court Döbling in Vienna, this is clearly not a requirement. An email from an unknown person appeared to be set […]
[youtube]xgv70paJZeU[/youtube] [youtube]z8sS3PgQZVY[/youtube] [youtube]XSp0cvpDCFE[/youtube]
Source: sott.net Reuel Marc Gerecht’s screed justifying an Israeli bombing attack on Iran coincides with the opening of the new Israel lobby campaign marked by the introduction of House Resolution 1553 expressing full support for such an Israeli attack. What is important to understand about this campaign is that the […]
The talk is tonight @ 7pm 1. Introduction The way we live on this planet currently is ridiculous, and we shouldn’t be ok with it. From children growing up and playing with guns to millions of animals being murdered for the sake of experimentation, to people believing in a system […]
Source: bbc.co.uk The government took the threat of UFOs so seriously in the 1950s that UK intelligence chiefs met to discuss the issue, newly-released files show. Ministers even went on to commission weekly reports on UFO sightings from a committee of intelligence experts. The papers also include a wartime account […]
Source: https://www.truth-out.org/google-and-verizon-usher-internets62187 Monday’s announcement that Verizon and Google will create a distinct wireless experience put net neutrality discussions not so much on the back burner as in the recycling bin. Although early speculation suggested that the corporate giants were going to create the equivalent of an E-Z Pass lane for content […]
Claudia Calvo Yesterday I saw this excellent BBC video, interviewing CIA analysts, foreign policy experts, etc. Their opinion is remarkable, namely that the present “War on Terror” is a huge political tool to regain power over the people of the world –after the death of their previous Hen of the Golden […]
https://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2005/jun/12/medicineandhealth.genderissues Fluoride in tap water can cause bone cancer in boys, a disturbing new study indicates, although there is no evidence of a link for girls. New American research suggests that boys exposed to fluoride between the ages of five and 10 will suffer an increased rate of osteosarcoma – […]