This is where the PCR tests and DNA data gathering have been heading. Did you give DNA to one of those genealogy/ancestry outfits that give you a questionable result? This what they wanted your DNA for. Jennifer Zeng exposes the latest from China. Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng This is […]

Heaven in ancient times was the abode of wrathful deities who gave us signs of ill omen in the night sky, and sometimes punishment by fire and brimstone. Science has opened our eyes to the heavens and what’s up there, but science also brought us a new reason to look […]

Hawaii aftermath has resulted in a lot of videos both new and old being recommended unsolicited to the feeds of many interested parties, myself among them. More than one commenter in the YT community has wondered if we finally have a friend on the inside at YouTube? Martin CRAZY VIDEO! […]

A Kiev-based newspaper quoted an unnamed security official as lamenting Israel with regards it’s attitude to Moscow and lack of “real help” RTSat, 12 Aug 2023 © Sergei SUPINSKY / AFPUkrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (L) and Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu (R) Ukraine is considering taking steps against Israel […]
