Ken O’Keefe grew up in California and was in the U.S. Marines in the 1991 Gulf War. [youtube]BcVTI09T5D4[/youtube] He initiated P10K in 2004 to recruit international observers to live side by side with Palestinians. Humanitarian Peace Activist, Anti-War, Gulf War veteran and survivor of the Mavi Marmara massacre. […]

Nurit Kedar’s film, Concrete, hears from Israeli soldiers who blame their military leaders for encouraging a “disproportionate” response to Hamas’s rockets. [ White phosphorus was used by Israel on Gazan neighbourhoods during operation Cast Lead  ] They claim their commanders used to “psych up” soldiers before an operation so they […]

Have you, or someone you love, been troubled by any of the following conditions? [youtube]DOV8Is8WuGA[/youtube] Corruption and fraud within government? Conspiracy, also known as secret plots? Censorship? Dumbing down of the populace through such means as chemicals harmful to the brain in the food, water, or vaccinations? A poorly funded […]
