Google has announced that it is fixing flaws in its algorithm that allows search results to be spammed, while also planning to weaken the search-ability of websites referred to as “content farms.” Matt Cutts, head of Google’s anti-spam team, writes: As “pure webspam” has decreased over time, attention has […]

Awareness is growing around the world that the Wikileaks-Julian Assange theater of the absurd is radically inauthentic – a psyop. [ Translated : A psychological operation. Against you.  ] Wikileaks and its impaired boss represent a classic form of limited hangout or self-exposure, a kind of lurid striptease in which […]

[youtube]X1t5anm6Uyo[/youtube] July 2001 ! – U.S. plans to invade Afghanistan for an attack on Osama bin Laden and the Taliban by October 2001. a)… b)… Sep 4, 2001 – The White House approves plans to invade Afghanistan.… Sep 5, 2001 – U.S. pulls the plug on Muslim […]
