CNN is pushing the American spin that the freedom marchers and Mubarak’s plainclothes thugs are really morally equivalent and represent a fifty-fifty split in Egypt regarding Mubarak … [ h / t : ]
I think most of you are familiar with AC/DC’s “Highway to Hell.” Well, I certainly can’t think of a more appropriate theme song to accompany the mass murder being perpetrated against the Palestinian people by the Israeli government and their co-conspirators here in the United States. Perhaps this should be […]
Yvonne Ridley reminds us that it is US support, and US politicians putting Israel’s interests above those of their own country, that has allowed dictators such as Hosni Mubarak of Egypt to desecrate the Arab world with their existence for so long. The “Made in the USA” empty shell casings […]
Ken O’Keefe grew up in California and was in the U.S. Marines in the 1991 Gulf War. [youtube]BcVTI09T5D4[/youtube] He initiated P10K in 2004 to recruit international observers to live side by side with Palestinians. Humanitarian Peace Activist, Anti-War, Gulf War veteran and survivor of the Mavi Marmara massacre. […]
Images of the thousands of Egyptian protesters that defied a curfew in the capital Cairo and other cities taken throughout the day. [youtube]3qQTzLoKYF4[/youtube]
Repeated calls by Western leaders, including US president Barack Obama, for Egypt’s protest movement to refrain from violence are also significant. Never mind the utter hypocrisy of such exhortations by the US and other Western governments who have armed the Mubarak regime to the teeth and continue to support it […]
[ From back in the 1980’s – when Saturday Night Live was still good. A good laugh and unintentionally informative. ] [youtube]skQuhoG7fFM[/youtube]
Nurit Kedar’s film, Concrete, hears from Israeli soldiers who blame their military leaders for encouraging a “disproportionate” response to Hamas’s rockets. [ White phosphorus was used by Israel on Gazan neighbourhoods during operation Cast Lead ] They claim their commanders used to “psych up” soldiers before an operation so they […]