[ Iran’s president Ahmadinejad went to the U.N. the other day and called it like he saw it. When he spoke, the U.S. and israel walked out. Just like they always do when there’s sh*t being said about them at the U.N. that they don’t want to hear. When they […]
On August 22 a drone strike against the house of “suspected militants” in North Waziristan killed 20 people. It also destroyed a neighboring house full of women and children.[1]
The Pentagon has a $27 Billion per year PR [aka Propaganda] budget just to spread disinformation about 9/11. But not all Trolls are paid – some do it “just for fun.” Read the rest here
A French periodical has revealed the location of a secret Israeli espionage center, which ranks among the world’s largest and most significant. The base, which intercepts information for the Israeli Spy Agency (Mossad) and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), is placed near Kibbutz Urim not far from Beersheba, the largest […]
This chick should be mayor. Because she cares more about what happens to you than that entire uninspiring gaggle of ‘citizens and ratepayers’ – combined – [youtube]5tyq5HPm7RY[/youtube] [ Part 1 of 5 ]
[ Palestinian olive trees torched by israeli settlers ] The results of an analysis spanning over 1000 events of settler violence, as well as trends in the violence over time, to better understand how these attacks affect Palestinians. Learn what type of violence occurs, who is most vulnerable and most […]
Dog Poet Transmitting……. Get ready people because they are at it again. Yes, those wild and crazy, zany Marx Brother’s typos posing as art students, without palettes, brushes or berets are back on the scene. We’re hearing from people in B.C. and maybe we’ll even hear from people in A.D. […]
An international symposium, “Debunking the ‘War on Terror’”, occurred in London, UK, on Wednesday, 14 July 2010. This featured James Fetzer, Scholars for 9/11 Truth, Kevin Barrett, Muslims for 9/11 Truth, and Gilad Atzmon, political commentator. The speakers focused on the false rationales that have been advanced to promote the […]
The explanation given by the Bush Administration for the way in which the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and World Trade Center Building 7 collapsed is completely without any historical precedent and should therefore be scrutinized exhaustively by the scientific community. [youtube]MML55s0exHM[/youtube]
Documentary maker Anthony Lawson argues, in a 15-minute video critique of BBC Panorama’s ‘Death on the Med’, [youtube]afBr10f38TI[/youtube] that the BBC’s “biased and often untruthful treatment of Israel’s worst atrocity since Operation Cast Lead should trigger a public enquiry about who is really in charge of one of the most […]