A stunning new report compiles extensive evidence showing how some of the world’s largest corporations have partnered with private intelligence firms and government intelligence agencies to spy on activist and nonprofit groups. Environmental activism is a prominent though not exclusive focus of these activities. The report by the Center for […]
[ Saw this at a local screening the other night – well worth the hour and 26 minutes of your life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VB5HOYdlGE8 If you want to show it to a neighbourhood near you then click on ‘Host A Screening’ here ]
[ Oliver Stone’s Autobiography about his experiences both in Vietnam and in Hollywood – is an incredibly thought-provoking book ] Filmmaker Oliver Stone and Historian Peter Kuznick sit down with RT’s Sam Sacks to talk about their mini-series “The Untold History of the United States.” The two also address the […]
Fox News PR Used Fake Accounts To Push Back
[ Eustace Mullins ~ who is quite possibly the most censored man of the Twentieth Century provides you and the rest of the internet with some hidden history – while sitting on a couch ] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oq0_n7ZBX_c
. A short video about the recent billboard campaign in Times Square, Manhattan.
However uncomfortable it may be, the unpalatable facts of the matter are that the BBC has been very deliberately complicit in the cover up of one of the greatest crimes in history, and that this cover up has allowed the deaths of more than one million innocent people to occur. […]
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called for his housing minister to reconsider long-term plans to construct thousands of new homes in the West Bank and in the contentious E1 area outside Jerusalem. Netanyahu said in a statement that the plans would make “no contribution” to settlements, AP reports. He […]